Air Conditioning Piping System

RIIFO Air Conditioning Piping System that combines the advantages of metal and plastic pipes leads the new trend in cooling. It performs well in resisting high pressure and temperature and leaves you cool in summer. It is a good alternative to copper pipes in cooling.

More Flexible for
Easy Installation

High Cost

Great value for your money
Over 40% cheaper than copper systems

Better Condensation
Effect than Copper

Easy Installation

Compression Fittings
Available in Different

Lower price than copper


Less joints,
reducing risk of leakag

Barrier to the permeation
of oxygen and light

Smooth inner wall
ensures low pressure loss

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25 Years Guarantee

Our products are covered by a 25-year product warranty. We guarantee high quality and support you with a long-term warranty.


Product Liability Insurance

We protect the legal rights and interests of our customers. Therefore, we have taken out a product liability insurance policy with Allianz, one of the world’s leading insurers, with a coverage amount of 10 million USD.

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