Heating & Cooling - Underfloor Heating System

PEX-b Pipe

RIIFO PE-X pipes with oxygen barrier are made of cross-linked polyethylene and designed to prevent oxygen from penetrating into the underfloor heating system. The cross-linking provides PE-X pipes with superior chemical and mechanical performance. RIIFO PE-X oxygen barrier pipes meet the requirements of ISO 15875.

Energy efficient and cost effective


Uniform heat emission

Temperature regulation per zone vla manlfolds

Complementary with dlifferent energy sources


UFH PEX-b Pipe

Product Series

01 / 02
PEX-b pipe with EVOH (AME)

PEX-b pipe with EVOH (AME)

PEX-b pipe with EVOH (EUR)

PEX-b pipe with EVOH (EUR)

01 / 02

Pipe cutting

Cut the pipe vertically by RIIFO pipe cutter. Make sure to cut it quickly and precisely.



Choose a right size of a stainless steel crimp and put it over the pipe slightly bigger than the pipe on size, slightly bigger than the pipe on size.



Push the insert into the pipe up to the shoulder, make sure the insert is completely inside the pipe, and the contact between fitting and pipe is clean and free of impurity.



Use the manual pressing tool with right size of jaw. Open the crimping tool and attach to the mouth of the crimp . Press the jaw until it closes completely. While pressing, make sure the crimping jaw is vertical to the pipe. The pressing contact must clean and free of impurity.


Tightly Linked

Crimp will be tightened after pressing and pipe will be tightly linked to the fitting.


25 ans de garantie

Nos produits bénéficient d’une garantie de 25 ans. Nous garantissons une qualité élevée et vous offrons une garantie à long terme.


Assurance responsabilité

du fait des produits

Nous protégeons les droits de nos clients grâce à une police d’assurance responsabilité civile produits de 10 millions de dollars souscrite auprès d’Allianz, l’un des principaux assureurs mondiaux.

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