Drainage- PVC Drainage System

Tools & Accessories

Various tools and accessories for RIIFO Low Noise Drainage series include helix pipes, hollow pipes, hollow spiral pipes.

Environmental protection and safety, recognized by EPD and CE

Strong flame retardancy, extinguish after leaving the flame for 30 seconds.

Light weight and convenient to transport.

Low coefficient of roughness and smooth walls for a faster downstream

Outstanding water-tightness performance with high-quality adhesive

No need for special installation tools, ease and security of installation

Tools & Accessories

Product Series

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Expansion screw clamp

Expansion screw clamp

Fire ring

Fire ring

Pointed screw pipe clamp

Pointed screw pipe clamp

PVC gule

PVC gule

Sealing up ring

Sealing up ring

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Measuring & Marking

Wipe the surface of pipe and fitting to keep clean. Measure the installation long of pipe and fitting. Mark down the depth of installation. Measure the installation depth of pipe and fitting.


Pipe Cutting

Cut the pipe vertically and precisely with RIIFO pipe cutter. Make sure to cut quickly and precisely.


Applying PVC Glue

Apply the pipe and fitting evenly with PVC glue.


Pressing the Glue

Pressing the PVC gule with PVC connection fitting.



After the pipe and fitting are coated with glue, insert them quickly, and rotate them to distribute the glue evenly to ensure a firm connection. After the installation is complete, wipe the overflowing glue.


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Nos produits bénéficient d’une garantie de 25 ans. Nous garantissons une qualité élevée et vous offrons une garantie à long terme.


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Nous protégeons les droits de nos clients grâce à une police d’assurance responsabilité civile produits de 10 millions de dollars souscrite auprès d’Allianz, l’un des principaux assureurs mondiaux.

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