Gas - Multilayer Gas Piping System

TH Profile

RIIFO TH Profile Fittings enable seamless connections for multilayer pipes. With specialized tools, you can press the fitting onto the pipe, creating an impermeable seal. These fittings offer a straightforward solution for secure pipe connections.

U pressing profile

Excellent sealing performance with
double O-ring

Reliable and easy to install

The stress and risk of cracking is
eliminated by the annealing process

Nickel plated contributes to good corrosion resistance

Machined by special horizontal machining

TH Profile

Product Series

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Female elbow

Female elbow

Female tee

Female tee

Male elbow

Male elbow

Male tee

Male tee

Reducing tee

Reducing tee

Reducing coupling

Reducing coupling

Demountable female straight coupling

Demountable female straight coupling



Wall-plated female Elbow

Wall-plated female Elbow

Straight coupling

Straight coupling

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Pipe cutting

Cut the pipe vertically and precisely with a pipe cutter.


Rounding and beveling

Round and bevel the ends with the RIIFO reamer.


Placing the fitting

Insert the pipe into the sleeve, until it reaches the plastic gasket. Check it through the inspection holes on the sleeve.



Put the fitting under the right position of the jaw. Press the fitting until the jaw is fully closed. The press jaw must be placed close to the plastic gasket.



Checking the jaw when the pressing procedur is done.


25 ans de garantie

Nos produits bénéficient d’une garantie de 25 ans. Nous garantissons une qualité élevée et vous offrons une garantie à long terme.


Assurance responsabilité

du fait des produits

Nous protégeons les droits de nos clients grâce à une police d’assurance responsabilité civile produits de 10 millions de dollars souscrite auprès d’Allianz, l’un des principaux assureurs mondiaux.

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